
What Sets Wellness IQ Apart?



Affordable Wellness Plans

Personalized healthcare shouldn’t be something that’s only attainable if you’re wealthy. Many practitioners charge $300+ for a single session or $5k+ for a program. This presents a massive barrier for many people who just want to feel better.

At Wellness IQ, we believe in charging fair and affordable prices for our functional medicine services. It already costs enough to make healthier choices; you shouldn’t have to go into debt to seek guidance on personalizing your approach.

We aim to bridge the gap and lower the barrier to true wellness so that more people can live their healthiest, most vibrant lives.


Minimal Effective Dose


Lifestyle changes can be challenging. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with too many ‘to-dos.’  We take things one step at a time and move at a pace you’re comfortable with.

  • Not ready for drastic dietary changes? We’ll start restoring nutrient balance another way.
  • Is your schedule too packed for meal prepping? We’ll find a strategy that requires no extra time.
  • Not interested in taking 30+ supplements? We’re not about that here. We take a whole-food-first approach and only implement what you actually need. In fact, an initial strategy for many clients is removing unnecessary supplements from their regimen.

We want you to get more from less, and we understand that efficiency is key. A plan that can be seamlessly implemented into your life is the right plan for you.


No Cookie-Cutter Protocols


Some protocols assign clients the exact same supplement regimen, meal plan, macros, and lifestyle interventions. While these might work great as a foundation, you’re unique – you need an approach that’s specific to you.

We don’t use AI-generated plans, generalized nutrient calculations, or the basic go-to supplements. We assess labs to determine exactly what your body needs or where it’s imbalanced.

We then implement efficient and specific interventions to address the issues at hand. Some individuals may need to begin with areas such as sleep, stress, or mental/emotional health. For others, it’s inflammation or gut health. These unique factors are easily missed with generalized protocols.

Qualified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Jordan has received a Master’s degree in functional medicine. Her formal education in lab assessment and personalized wellness plans, in addition to her years of experience, lends a sense of professionalism that cannot be achieved through basic health coaching certifications.

While health coaches can be helpful in improving health, they may not be equipped to go as in-depth as is needed to fully address health concerns.

Jordan is not a medical doctor, so she does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. If this is something you need, she will refer you to the best integrative providers in your local area.

Her unique approach is to restore balanced health with nutrition and lifestyle interventions – starting with the “low-hanging fruits” can make profound changes to your well-being.


What Not to Expect

Here’s what you won’t get from working with us at Wellness IQ:

Exorbitant supplement recommendations at outrageous prices. We take a food-first approach and only supplement what you can’t get from food. We use combination supplements for health-specific concerns.

Unnecessary and expensive lab testing. Many of the lab tests commonly used in functional medicine are not clinically validated! Worse, they cost thousands of dollars and are completely unnecessary.

We use tried-and-true methods – blood labs. Formal training in functional lab analysis allows us to identify patterns and infer data about various systems. We only consider further testing when indicated or specifically requested.

“My-way-or-the-highway” healthcare. At Wellness IQ, we are your partner in health. We want to work with you rather than telling you what to do. While it will require work and changes on your end, our goal is to find the method of change that works for you.

Many paths lead to the same outcome. One might get you there faster, but it’s a harder road to travel. We won’t turn you away if something doesn’t work for you. Instead, we will work together to find other alternatives that lead you to your desired outcome.


What to Expect

What the path to wellness looks like with us:

1. Free initial consultation call – after you’ve completed your intake forms, we will discuss your goals and primary health concerns to learn how we can best support you. We will map out the best path forward with functional medicine and determine the ideal labs for your unique case.

2. Labs – You can run labs directly through us. This does not require a doctor’s visit; just purchase the labs through the link emailed to you and book an appointment at Quest Diagnostics. 

3. Initial meeting – We will meet a week after your lab draw. We will spend an hour together to review the labs, learn what story this tells us about your health, and review the proposed protocol. We will dial in the protocol to ensure it can be easily implemented into your life and outline any additional phases from there.

4. Follow-ups – Depending on your unique needs, goals, and desired support, we will determine how frequently to meet. Some individuals prefer yearly or bi-yearly lab reviews. Some prefer a more involved approach. We can meet as frequently as weekly to every 30 days for 30-minute sessions. Less frequent meetings will be 1 hour.