15min Broccoli Beef Stir Fry – Clean & Lean Meal

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Nutrients per serving: 515 kcal | 37g PRO | 50g CHO | 18g FAT

Makes 1 serving. Multiply ingredient amounts to make more for the whole family

Prep Time -15 min

Downloadable recipe PDF: Broccoli Beef Stir Fry PDF


  • 4oz of lean 100% grass-fed ground beef (90% lean or higher)
  • ½ cup of frozen broccoli florets
  • ¼ cup of Minute Rice brand brown rice
  • ¼ cup of organic bone broth – chicken or beef
  • 3 Tbsp of Primal Kitchen soy-free teriyaki sauce
  • 2 tsp of soy or tamari sauce (taste like soy but gluten free)
  • 1 clove of garlic – minced
  • 1 tbsp of black or white sesame seeds
  • Dash to ⅛ tsp of sea salt


  1. Add bone broth and instant Minute Rice and salt to a small pan and cook on medium heat (7-9 min). Use less salt if your broth is salted
  2. While rice is cooking, brown ground beef in a saute pan at medium-high heat. About halfway through cooking (about 3 min in), add minced garlic and frozen broccoli. Cook all until broccoli is thawed and meat is cooked through (about 5-7 min).
  3. Turn off heat. Add tamari sauce and teriyaki sauce to saute pan and mix until covered. Add sesame. Add sesame seeds.
  4. Add rice to bowl and top with beef and broccoli. Enjoy

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Picture of Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith

At 9 years old, Jordan was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and learned that her entire life would be different going forward. After years of battling blood sugar imbalances, using multiple technologies, and ending up in the ER in 2016 due to an insulin pump failure, she realized something was missing. After graduating with a B.S in exercise science from Lagrange College, she pursued a master's in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from UWS to help others achieve the same healing that she did as a result of diet and lifestyle changes. Jordan addresses patients as a whole through individualized wellness programs and functional medicine. Creating tailored interventions that go beyond your health today, she takes into account your entire life’s journey, from birth to date. This unique approach allows her to see and address all aspects of health.