Functional Medicine

Complimentary Functional Wellness Consult

The first step to personalized healthcare.

We’ll discuss:

  1. Your health goals and the desired outcomes you’d like to achieve through functional medicine.
  2. Identify high-priority areas of focus for your unique health concerns and the approach for addressing them.
  3. Determine the best functional medicine services or program(s) for you.

Functional Medicine – The Language of Health Imbalances.
Your body can tell you exactly what it needs, when it needs it, and where, but it can be difficult to hear what it’s saying because it speaks a language all its own. Functional medicine providers are skilled in the art of translating this language in order to restore balance to the body and its many systems.

The initial consultation allows us to discover the most appropriate place for you to start and the interventions that are right for you. Functional Medicine is a team approach and finding the best fit for each individual is a top priority. 

Book your FREE 20min consultation today!

90 Day Functional Reset: A Health Coaching Program

You're unique, your healthcare should be too.

This fully personalized program helps you establish long-term healthful habits designed specifically for your body’s unique needs. The program’s focus is to implement incremental, health-centered changes over 90 days that evolved into a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

There are no “magic bullets” or “quick fixes” when it comes to long-term wellness. Rather, it is lifestyle changes that compound over time that both prevent diseases and promote a vibrant, healthy life. The 90-Day Functional Reset Program is designed to help you make such changes that continue to benefit you long after the 90 days.

This program includes:

  • 1 RMR Assessment to determine your precise nutrition goals.
  • 1 initial consult + 3 Follow-up wellness sessions with blood work review(s).
  • Personalized nutrition/meal plan + supplement regimen and lifestyle plan.
  • Direct chat access for questions/concerns between in-person sessions.
  • Daily reminders and weekly check-ins for day-to-day support and accountability.
  • Essential resources to ensure success, the Functional Reset Users Guide + Recipe Book e-book.
  • Food and Mood Daily Journal (in-app or PDF version) + workbook to aid in setting and achieving goals as well as maintaining the right mindset for lifestyle changes.
Book your 90 Day Health Coaching Program today!

Initial Consultation

Functional Medicine Review

This session provides an in-depth look into every aspect of health. We will identify the “root cause” imbalances contributing to your health concerns; you will receive a fully Personalize Health Protocol with detailed dietary, lifestyle, and supplement suggestions that align to restore balance to your unique needs.

Everything is important when it comes to your health. 

You are a complex being. Your health is more than just biochemical interactions happening internally. It certainly cannot be separated into individual systems (as allopathic medicine does) because they all impact one another. Your health state is a combination of all of your life experiences including mental/emotional health, your environment, social interactions, toxin exposure, traumas, nutrition, movement, and much more. We will review all areas and create a treatment plan designed to restore balance to each one.

This session includes:

  • Detailed Functional blood work review.
  • Supplement and health symptom review, + detailed analysis of current health concerns.
  • Review of medical and lifestyle history.
  • Dietary guidance with a sample meal plan, macros, and foods to avoid or include per your individual needs.
  • Personalized health protocol with supplement regimen, dietary approach, + behavioral/lifestyle suggestions specific to your health needs and goals.
Book your Initial Consultation today!

Follow-up Functional Wellness Consultation

Dietary and Lifestyle Support Specific to You

This session provides ongoing personalized dietary, lifestyle, and supplement interventions specific to your individual needs and health goals. Ongoing sessions allow us to “check in” on your health and progress toward your goals to make adjustments as needed. 

The frequency will depend on where you’re at in your health journey as well as your individual needs and preferences (i.e. every 1, 3, 4, 6, or 12 months).

This session includes:

  • Personalized dietary guidance and adjustments tailored to individual needs, current progress, and ongoing health goals.
  • Review of current labs (if applicable).
  • Review of current health symptoms and current health concerns
  • Review of dietary patterns and lifestyle factors via the information that you’ve tracked in the Better app patient portal + your MySQ Health Score.
  • Personalize adjustment to your health protocol with dietary, lifestyle, and supplement suggestions as needed.
Book your Follow-up Consultation today!