About Us

AT 9 years old, Jordan was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and learned that her entire life would be different going forward. After years of battling blood sugar imbalances, using multiple technologies, and ending up in the ER in 2016 due to an insulin pump failure, she realized something was missing.

“I cleaned up my diet, began exercising regularly, and taking natural supplements. Within 3 months I was able to come off of the insulin pump, reduce insulin needs by half, and improved my blood sugar management. That was when I realized that the conventional medicine approach to this disease is causing patients more harm. They tell us “eat whatever you want, you just have to take insulin for it”. But this is creating a Type 2 diabetes response in the body of someone with T1D. There had to be a better way!”

After graduating with a B.S in exercise science from Lagrange College in 2015 She pursued a master’s in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from UWS to help others achieve the same healing that she did as a result of diet and lifestyle changes.

Jordan addresses patients as a whole through individualized wellness programs and functional medicine. Creating tailored interventions that go beyond your health today, she takes into account your entire life’s journey, from birth to date. This unique approach allows her to see and address all aspects of health.

Functional medicine addresses patients’ health from a preventative stance that is based on the individual’s blood work and lifestyle. This allows for the identification of the root cause of health imbalances.

Jordan is also a certified HearthMath practitioner and is actively furthering her education and expertise in personalized healthcare.